Stara - App Documentation

Getting Started

Welcome to Stara!

Hello, we are BrainID

We are 6 Bangkit students (called BrainID) who are joined to complete the final project in Bangkit 2021. At a glance, our team has an interest in the IT field. The six of us will continue to be consistent in the IT field to build an application that can be useful for Indonesian society. for the sake of creating a convenience, considering something that can tolerate the culture and habits of the Indonesian people.

Project Overview

In government agencies, it is expected that skilled employees, able and competent in accordance with the job so as to provide contribute to success and can increase good work performance for the community and government agencies themselves. In carrying out activities or jobs in government agencies, it is necessary to conduct an assessment of the work carried out by the employees. Based on Law Number 5 of 2014 article 77 paragraph 5 regarding the State Civil Apparatus explains that the results of the performance appraisal civil servants are used to ensure objectivity within development of civil servants and made a prerequisite for appointment position and promotion, provision of allowances and sanctions, transfer and promotion and attend education and training. In practice, especially public service in government, civil servants go directly to serve the community. The application is made to make it easier for the public to provide feedback on services that have been received. Then feedback from the public can be used as an evaluation by superiors to civil servants to make it better and more transparent.


  • Facility to customize to match your website theme
  • Detailed and Compact view options
  • Comprehensive options to customize animation, colors, orientation and style
  • All the power and flexibility of jQuery
  • Easy install; 100% integration
  • Facility to customize rating icons


This Feedback Collection and Polling widget is free for personal and commercial projects as long as you are providing a link back to this page. If you don’t want to provide a link back, simply contribute to the development and improvement of this tool. To contribute to this and many other interesting projects, go to Support Efforts and become a patron.

Customizing Stara App

Before you make any cusomization or even start using Opineo create a 'div' element and assign it some id. Now add references to necessary Javascrip files e.g.

  • A reference to latest jQuery library
  • A reference to Opineo script file sudo nano opineo.js

The following customization options are available in Opineo:


  • Machine Learning
  • Mobile Development
  • Cloud Computing


  • Firebase
  • Cloud Firestore


  • API

Stara App Documentation